Natural Elements Aromatherapy
Essential Oils
100% pure & natural essential oil
Botanical Name: Mentha x piperita
Part(s) Used: The leaves of the herb
Aroma: Fresh strong, cool, minty scent
Note: Top Note
Uses: Diffusion, inhalation, compress, balm, body oils, body care
Blends Well With: Bergamot, Chamomile, Cypress, Eucalyptus, Geranium, Grapefruit, Juniper, Lavender, Lemon, Orange, Rosemary, Spearmint, Tea Tree and spice oils
History: The essential oil is extracted from M. piperita mitcham a species having been named after an area in Mitcham, Surrey where it was originally produced. It is extremely versatile and is used for a broad range of applications in flavourings, personal care, foods and aromatherapy.
For Skin & Haircare: Cools, cleanses and detoxifies the skin and helps to retain moisture.
For Personal Care: The stimulating aroma of peppermint clears the head and refreshes the mind for mental clarity and concentration. Awakens the senses. Cooling as a face mist on a hot day. Popular oil for headaches, nausea, travel sickness, jetlag.
Uses: To create a personalised skincare or body care oil, blend a few drops with your chosen Natural Elements carrier oil. For diffusion and other personal care uses refer to our How To Use section.
Safety: Check for sensitivity for skin applications due to menthol content. Keep away from eyes. Use in moderation. Not recommended to apply essential oils directly to the skin or take internally. Refer to our general Safety guidelines.